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"FIBGAR se sustenta sobre los pilares de la solidaridad, el respeto, la promoción de los derechos humanos, la cooperación al desarrollo de los pueblos, la mediación y la lucha contra la impunidad. Sobre esas bases, FIBGAR fomenta programas para actuar desde los ámbitos de la educación, la justicia, la sociedad, la política y la cultura que defiendan y apliquen los Derechos Humanos, en defensa de las víctimas y sus derechos a la verdad, la justicia y la reparación, así como para perseguir la corrupción y el crimen organizado en cualquiera de sus formas."

In 2013 the International Foundation Baltasar Garzon [Fundación Internacional Baltasar Garzón] and Vortex Foundation signed a cooperation agreement for designing and formulating projects that promote the scientific and judicial understanding of systemic crimes, macro-criminality and transitional justice, as well as promoting human rights, the fight against impunity and the access to jurisdictional and universal justice.


"ICTJ has worked in Colombia since 2003. We focus on strengthening national mechanisms for the protection of victims’ rights to truth, justice, and reparation."

Between Nov. 2011 and Dec. 2012, the International Center for Transitional Justice and Scientific Vortex Foundation signed a cooperation agreement for modeling and analyzing the structure of narco-paramilitary groups in Colombia that massively infiltrated formal institutions in Colombia.


Small Wars Journal

"El Centro is SWJ's focus on small wars in Latin America. El Centro explores those and other issues across the US Southern Border Zone, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America to develop a better understanding of the national and regional challenges underlying past, present, and future small wars."

Scientific Vortex Foundation and Small Wars Journal work together since 2012 analyzing and publishing articles related with the war on drugs and its effects on the institutions of the United States; this collaboration has been established through El Centro-Small Wars Journal. Additionally, in 2013 Vortex Foundation and Small Wars Journal signed a cooperation agreement for consolidating the International Center for Analysis of Transnational Criminal Networks.

United States

Risk Monitor

"RiskMonitor works for the reduction, control and prevention of organized crime and high-level political and institutional corruption. RiskMonitor identifies organized crime and institutional corruption as high-risk public processes and a threat to the liberal democratic polity, its public institutions as well as the overall development of open society in the post-transition context."

Scientific Vortex Foundation and Risk Monitor began working in 2011 formulating projects for understanding Transnational Criminal Networks. Then, in 2013 both institutes signed a Cooperation Agreement for executing the research project “Understanding the Structure of Transnational Criminal Networks Operating in The U.S./Mexico Border and The Southeastern Border of The European Union”. With this “one in a kind” project, supported by the Think Tank Fund of Foundation Open Society Institute, through the grant 40022818, Risk Monitor and Vortex Foundation elaborate models to understand, explain and compare the structure of Transnational Criminal Networks operating in the borders of the United States and Bulgaria. Those Transnational Criminal Networks involve drugs, human and arms trafficking.

Additionally, Risk Monitor joined in 2013 the International Center for Analysis of Transnational Criminal Networks.


"The Link Campus University is a private University in Rome which stands under the Italian University’s Regulation. Its imprint is international due to its history and its calling. Founded in Rome in 1999 as a subsidiary of the University of Malta in Italy, in 2011 the University was recognized by the Italian regulation decree of the Minister of Education – University and Research no. 374 of the 21st September 2011."

Scientific Vortex Foundation and Fondazione Link Campus work together since 2012 for promoting the understanding of Transnational Criminal Networks. In 2013 they signed a Cooperation Agreement for establishing the International Center for Analysis of Transnational Criminal Networks, an initiative that concentrates institutions and researchers around the world, focused on understanding the structure, the scope and the evolution of criminal networks operating in regions.


"Designated as a top-tier research institution, FIU emphasizes research as a major component in the university's mission. The Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine and the School of Computing and Information Sciences' Discovery Lab, are just two of many colleges, schools, and centers that actively enhance the university’s ability to set new standards through research initiatives"

In September, 2013, The Florida International University and Vortex Foundation signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.

United States

ISECA develops "qualitative and quantitative research to better understand the current environment. Previous work includes quantitative research into crime trends in seventeen countries located in different regions of Africa. We also work on smaller assignments using focus group and facilitation techniques. Our outputs are reported to, discussed with and if required, collaboratively implemented with stakeholders."

In August, 2016, Informed Solutions to Economic Crime in Africa (ISECA) and Vortex Foundation, trough the Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.

South Africa

El IPNUSAC es un centro académico de carácter multidisciplinario que asesora al Consejo Superior Universitario (CSU) y al Rector en el tratamiento de los asuntos relevantes de la vida democrática del país. Entre sus objetivos está contribuir a que la Universidad de San Carlos (USAC) cumpla con el mandato Constitucional de cooperar en el estudio y la solución de los problemas nacionales, a través de investigaciones científicas, propuestas institucionales y debates públicos.


In November, 2016, the Instituto de Problemas Nacionales - IPNUSAC and Vortex Foundation, trough the Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.


"El Colectivo de Análisis de la Seguridad con Democracia A. C. (CASEDE) es un espacio plural responsable de analizar, intercambiar ideas, reflexionar, discutir y proponer alternativas sobre seguridad, con apego a los valores de la democracia y respetuoso de los derechos humanos. Está formado por un grupo de investigadores de prestigio, académicos, expertos gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, miembros de organizaciones de la sociedad civil y distintos centros de investigación.Como parte de sus actividades, el Colectivo organiza, desarrolla e imparte cursos, seminarios, conferencias, mesas redondas, proyectos de investigación y asesoría sobre seguridad."

In August, 2016, the Colectivo de Análisis de la Seguridad con Democracia A. C. (CASEDE) and Vortex Foundation, trough the Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.


"La Fundación DESC es una organización sin ánimo de lucro, orientada a la promoción de derechos a la educación, cultura y desarrollo social, a través de asesoría y consultoría."

In May, 2017, the IFundación en Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales para América Latina (DESC) and Vortex Foundation, trough the Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.


"Humanitas360 Institute is a think-do tank committed to building human connections as a powerful tool to promote change in Latin America. We believe citizen engagement improves living standards and  tackles enduring and urgent challenges in governance and transparency, citizen security, and human rights in Latin America. We stimulate open discussions, encouraging all stakeholders to weigh in and share their experiences with the intent of generating empathy and transformation.

Humanitas360 fellows are Latin American business leaders, public officials, academic leaders, civic entrepreneurs, community leaders, artists, media executives. Above all, they are citizens. Humanitas360 Institute is a US-based non profit organization and is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code."

In September, 2016, Humanitas360 and Vortex Foundation, trough the Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.

United States

"Our Mission is to stop corruption and promote transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels and across all sectors of society. Our Core Values are: transparency, accountability, integrity, solidarity, courage, justice and democracy. With more than 100 national chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, we work with partners in government, business and civil society to put effective measures in place to tackle corruption."

In October, 2016, Transparency International and Vortex Foundation, trough the Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.


Somos el Capitulo Nacional de Transparencia Internacional -TI-, la Organización No Gubernamental líder en el mundo en la lucha contra la corrupción que trabaja en mas de 100 países. Entre sus objetivos están: Contribuir a la construcción de una ciudadanía proactiva en la protección de lo publico, consciente de su rol y corresponsabilidad en la lucha contra la corrupción. Promover espacios de control social y participación ciudadana, a través de los cuales se contribuya a fortalecer la acción y la formación de personas y entidades. Generar un mejor entendimiento de la corrupción, buscando una lectura integral que permita dar respuestas e intervenciones eficaces en la especificidad del caso colombiano. Entender mejor papel del sector privado en las distintas modalidades de corrupción, al tiempo que se le informa y sensibiliza sobre su corresponsabilidad en su prevención, investigación y sanción. Aportar a la construcción de una institucionalidad pública democrática, capaz de gestionar lo publico con garantía de cero corrupción."

In August, 2016, Transparencia por Colombia and Vortex Foundation, trough the Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.


Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas Internacionais e de Fronteira - LEPIF

"Lepif was created for development of research and education about the borders in a broad sense, involving studies and projects with international themes, intercultural and multidisciplinary. The Laboratory aims to provide a space for production activities related to the several areas of social sciences and humanities, aiming to expand the academic production about borders in a collaborative way between Institutions of Education and Research, Students, Researchers and Public Managers."

In November, 2016, the Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas Internacionais e de Fronteira - LEPIF and Vortex Foundation, trough the Global Observatory of Transnational Criminal Networks, signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” for promoting research on Transnational Criminal Networks.


"Libera is a network of associations, social cooperatives, movements and groups, schools, trade unions, dioceses and parishes, scout groups,  commited  to confront mafias, corruption,  crime phenomena and those who feed them, Also, they are engaged with social justice,  the search of truth,  the protection of rights, a transparent policy,  a democratic legality based on equality., among others".

In 2018, theLibera Associazioni, Nomi e Numeri Centro le Mafie and Scientific Vortex Foundation signed a cooperation agreement to explore common grounds of cooperation in Euroe and the Americas, following the main aim of confronting transnational organized crime. 



Proética is the Peruvian Chapter of Transparency International (TI), was established in 2002 as the first Peruvian NGO exclusively dedicated to promoting ethics and fighting corruption. Since then, they have been carrying out different activities aimed at eradicating corruption in the country, studying this phenomenon and its causes, as well as encouraging other institutions to get involved in this problem and take action against it.


In 2018, Proética and Scientific Vortex Foundation signed a cooperation agreement to explore common grounds of cooperation in Euroe and the Americas, following the main aim of confronting transnational organized crime. 


Centro PRODH

The "Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez A.C. (Centro Prodh)" in a civil, nonlucrative association, founded on 1998.  Their mission is to promote and defend the human rights of people and excluded groups, in situations of vulnerability or poverty, to contribute to the construction of a more fair, equitable and democratic society, in which human dignity is fully respected. The people and groups that Centro PRODH support are indigenous people, women, migrants, and victims of social repression.

In 2018, Centro PRODH and Scientific Vortex Foundation signed a cooperation agreement to explore common grounds of cooperation in the Americas, following the main aim of confronting transnational organized crime. 


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